Cream Crew

Elizma De Villiers


As a seasoned props Master, art-standby pro, and dedicated buyer, I’ve woven my talents through the intricate tapestry of the entertainment industry. With a sprinkling of experience in art direction, set construction, and decoration, I thrive in organizing and leading when the call arises.

Armed with a degree in production design, I’m scaling the creative ladder, fueled by a burning ambition to ascend to the coveted role of a production designer.

My heart beats to the rhythm of the entertainment industry, the magic it weaves, and the stories it unfolds for the world. Beyond my craft, I find joy in enlightening others about the enchanting world behind the screens.

In the words of Maya Angelou, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” It’s a mantra that guides my journey as I strive for excellence in every endeavor.


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