Cream Crew

Susan, Sulet Dreyer


Sulet started her career while studying Performing Arts Technology at Tshwane University of Technology. In 2004 she worked as a dresser on an Opera Africa production, La Traviata. She worked her way up in theatre to wardrobe mistress and costume designer. Through theatre she got into television and film in 2007.

Although working in both makeup and art department, she found her love for costume and started designing for both local and international productions. She has done several period pieces ranging from 1860’s up to 1960’s, for which she has been nominated and won Safta and Silwerskerm awards. Even though she has a love for period pieces, she has a passion and appreciation for all costumes. The love for costumes lies in being part of character development and telling the story by creating looks that are authentic and subtle. The main objective is to keep it as real and true to the story

She likes to be challenge on every level of the creative process and being part of different departments and positions within production design as a whole, this has given her the awareness of what it takes to collaborate and the importance of the visual value on screen.

Some of her strongest points are leading and managing her team, time management and working within budget. She seeks out the strong points of each one of her team members and tries to motivate and empower them, she has gained credit for training young crew to become successful in their careers. These attributes derive from her interest and fascination with psychology, which is not only reflected in the way she leads her team but also in her work on screen.

Even though Sulet is calm and patient, she is also assertive in getting the job done properly. But the most important is that she can do all of this while making everyone laugh with her dry sense of humour. So it would be a great loss if you don’t have her on your production…

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